Iot Security & Automation

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Commercial Security and Fire

In 2010, the NFPA released an unprecedented, yet stringent, ruleset approving a fire systems to use a sole-path. Telular customized its Telguard platform to launch a compliant cellular solution that proved to cut telco costs by 50%.

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Residential Security and Home Automation

Landlines are disappearing, security systems aren't and interest in home automation is high. Telular created an entire portfolio that addresses every facet of these trends for the professional security dealer of any size.

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Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS)

Although PERS used the same ecosystem as the intrusion industry, they never embraced cellular IoT which lacked two-way voice. Telular modified its Telguard product to handle voice and immediately became a cellular PERS standard.

IoT Telematics

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Trailer Tracking

With trailers, ROI comes from doing more with fewer of them. Augmenting GPS with sensor intelligence and solar power adds analytics that now finds their way into nearly every operational department of the trucking industry.

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Intermodal Asset Tracking

Telular identified two costly asset classes that would benefit from its advanced operational analytics after subtle changes to its existing cellular platform: intermodal containers and the thousands of chassis they ride upon

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Remote Oilfield

Many asset rich environments are too dangerous for off-the-shelf solutions. With a robust upgrade to an existing hardware platform, Telular leveraged the SkyBitz cloud to add global asset visibility regardless of the operating environment

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Local Fleet Telematics

Local Fleet Telematics is well known for saving fuel, improving driver relations and a fast ROI. A logical extension to the Telular IoT portfolio, that allows all its customers to benefit from a bundled add on for their sales, service and delivery fleets.

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Petroleum Logistics

Fuel delivery operations are historically low-tech resulting in high labor costs. Telular automated and centralized this workflow into a time-saving cloud application fed by both its tank monitors and vehicle telematics.

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Industrial Tank Monitoring

Over-servicing a tank robs up to 50% of delivery margin and can only be overcome by knowing the tank's likelihood of running empty when planning loads. Telular created fill analytics fed by level monitors to return these profits.